We accept donations of giveaway items and we welcome and accept monetary donations. To donate items, contact us at 708.328.8696 or email us at info@openarms101.org We accept all socks, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, chapstick, Vaseline, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and more!
One Penny at a Time
What can pennies do to help us #advancefolk care packages? The answer is: a whole lot! When you donate to Open Arms 101 through RoundUp App your spare change is key to helping us achieve our mission each month.
Sign up to support us through RoundUp App today and start changing the world one penny at a time.
You can also give to Open Arms 101 through Zelle. Just choose info@openarms101.org and then donate.
How to Access Zelle
Find Zelle in the mobile banking app of Zelle's partners. If you already have your banking app on your phone, there's no download necessary. If your bank or credit union doesn't offer Zelle yet, just download the Zelle app to get started.
Once you enroll, all you need to send money with Zelle is the preferred email address or mobile number of the trusted recipient.
Help us to do more for the seniors/elderly.
Text "ADVANCEFOLK" to 53-555 to give
Thank you for your generosity and for having a giving heart.